In occasione della Giornata del Design Italiano, abbiamo il piacere di invitarvi ai seminari “Italian un-disciplined design” a cura dell’Arch. Laura Negrini, direttrice dello IED di Roma.
I seminari sono organizzati in collaborazione con le Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università Tecnica del Medio Oriente e dell’Università Bilkent.
19 marzo 2019 | 12:30 | METU Facoltà di Architettura, Kubbealtı
20 marzo 2019 | 12:30 | Università Bilkent, Dipartimento di Architettura, Sala FFB 22
Lingua della conferenza: inglese
È necessario confermare la partecipazione per avere accesso al campus delle Università.
Değerli üyelerimiz,
İtalyan Tasarım Günü vesilesiyle düzenlenen etkinlikler kapsamında Avrupa Tasarım Enstitüsü – IED (Roma) müdürü Mimar Laura Negrini’nin “Italian un-disciplined design” başlıklı seminerlerini onurlandırmanızı dileriz.
Seminerler Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi ve Bilkent Üniversitesi’nin Mimarlık Fakülteleri işbirliğiyle düzenlenmektedir.
19 Mart 2019 | 12:30 | ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, Kubbealtı
20 Mart 2019 | 12:30 | Bilkent Üniversitesi,Mimarlık Bölümü,FFB 22 Salonu
Konuşma dili İngilizcedir.
Üniversite kampüsüne giriş için katılım bildirmek zorunludur.
Dear friends,
On the occasion of the Italian Design Day, we are pleased to invite you to the seminars “Italian un-disciplined design” by Arch. Laura Negrini, Director of IED Istituto Europeo di Design, in Rome.
The seminars are organized in partnership with the Faculties of Architecture of Middle East Technical University and Bilkent University.
19 March 2019 | 12:30 | METU Faculty of Architecture, Kubbealtı
20 March 2019 | 12:30 | Bilkent University, Department of Architecture, Lecture Hall FFB 22
Language: English
Please confirm your attandence in order to have access to the University campus.
Laura Negrini (1969), architect, lives and works in Rome.
She lived in the Netherlands collaborating with UNstudio to major projects and international competitions. She worked with architect Michele De Lucchi on the project for the new image of Poste Italiane and Enel Terna.
In 2004 she founded aQarchitetturaquotidiana and in 2015 she founded Baglivo Negrini architetti,
She taught at University of Art and Design in Venice, La Sapienza University of Rome, Cornell University in Rome. Collaborated for many years with the European Institute of Design in Rome, taking the direction IED Design since 2009. Since January 2019 she is Head of IED Rome.
Italian un-disciplined design
Italy is not a country rich in raw materials, therefore Italian design has learned to transform those provided by others, to hand down productive knowledge, to build alliances, to transgress. With great freedom and open-mindedness.
Times have changed and we are now living in an era of migrations, new technologies, fast-changing markets. Design and future city face the ability to operate within complicated systems, to connect knowledge within the community, identifying more exclusive and operational spaces, where there seemed to be none. In an undisciplined way.
Today Rome might be one of the most difficult cities for developing an overall strategic project and for the same reason Rome is still capable to respond to extemporaneous and discontinuous requests.
Based on these considerations, Italian un-disciplined design will present Bike Rome thesis project, developed by IED in collaboration with Comune di Roma. The project involves nine departments: Interior Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Media, Sound, Fashion Design, Jewelry Design, Communication Design and Advertising Communications and explores multidisciplinary connections strategies that aim at integration, among cycling mobility and enhancement of the environmental heritage of the city, two components that are the basis of the prospect of a great connection between design and the city of the future.