L’impatto della pandemia sulla parità di genere in Europa
Se la pandemia ha provocato danni sociali in tutto il mondo, ci sono categorie più colpite di altre. Le donne, in particolare, si sono ritrovate esposte su molteplici fronti, come quello economico, familiare e sanitario. La pandemia ha inoltre amplificato le disparità di genere esistenti, portando indietro i progressi fatti negli ultimi anni.
Ad approfondire queste riflessioni e a confrontarsi sul tema saranno: Kateřina Haring, Presidente dell’Associazione Ceco-Morava delle Imprenditrici e Manager (ČMAPM); Sandra Laugier, filosofa e docente di Filosofia all’Università di Parigi 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Massimiliano Mascherini, Direttore ad interim del Dipartimento di Social Policies di Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). Modererà il dibattito Alžběta Králová, fondatrice e direttrice dell’Accademia Ženský byznys di Praga. L’evento fa parte del progetto Ideas Yard, patrocinato dal Cluster EUNIC di Praga e finanziato da EUNIC Global. Organizza l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in collaborazione con l’Institut Fraçais e i Centri Cechi di Praga.
L’evento, che si terrà in inglese con traduzione simultanea in ceco, avrà luogo lunedì 15 marzo dalle 18:00 alle 20:00.
Partecipazione libera, previa registrazione sulla piattaforma Zoom: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_STBtydjmRnGC5hbW6854vw
Although the pandemic caused damage to global society, some categories were affected more than others. Women in particular have been exposed to pressure from several quarters, be it economic, family- or health-related pressure. The pandemic has also increased gender inequality, undermining the progress made on this issue in recent years.
The following personalities will address this topic more profoundly in their joint online discussion: Kateřina Haring, President of the Czech-Moravian Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Managers, CMAPM); Sandra Laugier, philosopher and professor at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University in Paris; Massimiliano Mascherini, Head of Unit ad interim for Social Policies of Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). The debate will be moderated by Alžběta Králová, founder and director of the Prague based Women’s Business Academy.
The event is part of the Ideas Yard project under the auspices of the EUNIC Prague-based cluster and funded by EUNIC Global funds. It is organized by the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague in cooperation with the French Institute and the Czech Centres, Prague.
In English, with simultaneous translation in Czech
You can join for free on the Zoom platform: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_STBtydjmRnGC5hbW6854vw
This talk is part of the European project Ideas Yard: Talking about Europe, which is a joint project of the Goethe-Institut, Austrian Cultural Forum, British Council, Czech Centres, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Italian Cultural Institute and Polish Institute and is funded by EUNIC Global. EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture – is Europe’s network of national cultural institutes and organizations. The project aims at engaging in a discourse on shared European topics such as sustainability, freedom & democracy as well as innovation & education.