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UNITED STATES | Texas Scientific Italian Community, Webinar on AI Funding Research Opportunity


Texas Scientific Italian Community in cooperation with the Center Studies International Economic on European Funds, is organizing under the Auspices of the Consulate General of Italy in Houston, a Webinar on BILATERAL EUROPEAN FUND ITALY – UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Tuesday May 28th starting at 12:00 CST AND ENDING AT 13:00 ( 19-20:00 Roma Time). Meeting coordinates : MJoin the meeting now Meeting ID: 224 589 934 207 Passcode: TfAooXeeting ID: 224 589 934 207


The webinar aims to inform the audience about the opportunity for funding research projects in AI. The bilateral agreement between the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the USA, allows joint projects between the two countries. The Ministry of Universities and Research has allocated about €1,000,000 for the initiative. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Distinguished Speaker Santi Tomaselli, at the end of his presentation.


Prof. Santi Tomaselli, is the president of the Center Studies International Economic on European Funds. He has a degree in Economics, he received the International Prize of Carthage, the International Levi Prize 2020/2021, and the International Prize at the Bocconi University of Milan recognizing the high profile of his scientific studies on the efficient use of European Funds.
He is a member of the SIE (Society of Italian Economist), a prestigious and oldest Italian Economist Academy.


Feel free to join us.


Organizing Committee

